Friday, April 11, 2008

Counting Pages and Giving Titles

Once you have a website title chosen, you should consider the pages you ll be needing, as well as the titles for these pages. Grab a pen & paper (yes, even in this Age of Technology, pen & paper still come in handy) and make yourself a list of pages you think you want to have.
How many total pages will you need? Well, that would depend on the content you plan to include.
If you re selling a product or mulitple products, you ll want to have one or more pages that display your wares, depending on the number of items you have to show. Some pages that a business site might want to consider are: Index/Home page, product page(s), pricing and shipping page, contact us, about us, and maybe even a testimonial type page if you ve got people who have tried your product before and would be willing to write up a little something for your website.
If you re creating a family site that will have lots of photos, you might want to consider breaking down the photos into groups to help decrease the chance of slow loading pages due to heavy graphic content. These might be broken down by year, or event, or even person. You should have an Index/Home page that directs your visitors to every other page on your site--photo pages, favorite family links, even fun & games pages with puzzles on them.
The titles for your pages, no matter what kind of website, should be easy for YOU to remember, and also make sense to visitors navigating your site. If you ve got several pages of product, you might break them down by giving each kind of item its own page. Let s once again use candles as an example--if you offer two-wick and three-wick candles, then those could be two pages of your website and each page could just simply be titled "Two-Wick Candles" and "Three-Wick Candles". Easy for YOU to remember, and your customers viewing your site will easily understand as well.
No matter what type of webpage you re trying to create, careful planning before you actually start is the best way to go. So I say again, grab up that pen & paper and make lists!! You ll be glad you did!
Author s Bio: Jennifer Covey works as a Publishing Assistant for Bright Idea Graphics, where she enjoys penning the newsletters. Bright Idea Graphics designs full color marketing materials and websites.

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